I get it—you want a quote. You want to know how much your project will cost, and you want to know now. But here's the thing: giving you a number without digging deeper into your goals, needs, and challenges would be like trying to build a house without a blueprint. Sure, we could start laying bricks, but would you really want to move into that house?
This is where paid discovery comes in. It’s the foundation, the roadmap, the essential “axe sharpening” before we start chopping down that tree. It’s like the Lincoln quote:
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe."
Just like how those six hours of preparation make the final task of chopping the tree faster, easier, and more effective, investing time in discovery makes every phase of your website project smoother and more efficient.
Paid discovery may seem like an added step, but in reality, it’s the secret to avoiding missteps later. Without it, we’re taking shots in the dark, and trust me, that leads to more time (and money) spent correcting course down the line.
Here’s why it matters:
Now, you might be thinking, “Can’t we just skip to the build?” We could, but the cost of skipping discovery is often paid in frustration, delays, and additional costs down the line. Without proper discovery, unexpected issues are almost guaranteed to crop up, requiring more time and revisions—and driving up the overall price tag.
In fact, it’s a lot like jumping into a full build without a dry run. Recently, when preparing a new full-build series, I took the extra step of doing a complete dry-run and making detailed notes. It felt like “extra work” at the time, but when I got to the editing phase, I saved hours. I knew exactly what needed to happen, and there was no figuring things out on the fly.
The same holds true for your website. You’re not paying for “extra work” with discovery; you’re reallocating resources to ensure the work that follows is efficient, targeted, and on point.
When we spend time uncovering all the important details upfront, it means fewer revisions later. It means we know exactly who you’re talking to, what you’re communicating, and how it should be presented. There’s no back-and-forth over misunderstood goals, and because of that, projects move faster.
I’ve found that when discovery is done right, clients are happier. Why? Because they see their vision executed with precision and with fewer headaches along the way.
You may worry that discovery means we’re overthinking things or dragging out decisions. But it’s not about indecision—it’s about intention. By intentionally uncovering everything that matters to your business and your website’s success, we’re front-loading the work in a way that reduces chaos down the line. This proactive approach makes everything that follows more efficient.
Take it from me, someone whose natural tendency is to “ready, fire, aim”—skipping this critical planning step is tempting, but it’s a mistake. Rushing the process rarely yields the best results, and it often creates more work in the long run.
Paid discovery isn’t just another item on the project checklist—it’s the cornerstone of a successful project. It saves time, reduces stress, and delivers better results by ensuring we’re building something tailored exactly to your needs.
So, before you ask for a quick quote, think about Lincoln and his axe. The time we spend upfront sharpening the details of your project will make the actual “chopping” a whole lot easier—and leave you with a finished product that stands tall and strong.
In the end, it’s not about the hours spent; it’s about the outcome we achieve together. Let’s take the time to get it right from the start.